Mom’s Guide to a Better Night’s Sleep

Let’s face it, a good night’s sleep is like a gift from the gods above when you are a Mom. It probably started when you had a newborn in the house with frequent nighttime feedings but has progressed to habitual wakings or maybe other reasons like a snoring partner. Whatever the cause, if getting a good night’s sleep seems to be impossible, these tips and tricks will be sure to rope you a better night of sleep and needed rest.

Shut Off that Phone

Many people bring their phone along to bed in hopes that maybe a few online games or Internet surfing might make them drowsy and ready for sleep. However, the opposite is true. According to the American Chemical Society, your smartphone emits a blue light that actually tells your brain to stay alert. Turn off your phone or leave it on the counter instead of bringing it to bed in an attempt to make yourself tired, it isn’t working.

Start a Bedtime Routine

Just as you have a routine for your little one to go to bed, so should you have a plan in place for yourself. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or too involved but it should involve doing roughly the same thing nightly as much as possible. Even though it may take a few nights to see any affect on your nighttime sleep quality, a routine will train your brain that it is now time to shut down and rest. By doing this “training”, you will allow yourself the downtime needing for a better night’s sleep.

Look at Your Diet

It is very possible you could be sabotaging your own sleep quality just by some of the foods you are eating. Caffeine is the biggest culprit in disrupting your sleep and is not just found in coffee. Look for caffeine hidden in other things such as chocolate, tea and soda. Instead, turn to foods rich in tryptophan to help induce that sleepy feeling you need. These foods could include:  dairy, nuts, bananas and seeds.


Although it is not a favorite word for many people, exercise can promote better night’s sleep. As a mom, you may not have a lot of time in your schedule but even just 30 minutes a day could make a difference. You don’t need an expensive gym membership either, a simple walk around the block will get your heart pumping and your body moving. Not only does this help physically but it gives time to clear your head.

A good night’s sleep won’t cost you anything but it is worth million dollars to sleep deprived Mom’s. With a busy schedule, it may seem impossible to get in enough quality sleep to actually feel rested. Following some of these tips mentioned will give you results in a short time and you will find yourself able to stay awake throughout the day unlike before. This will help improve your mood and productivity too; a winning situation for yourself and everyone around you!

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