Category Archives: travel ideas

Travel Plans

As I continue to look into a family road trip this summer and research different destinations I think I have decided that we need to make Canton Ohio a definite stop.  In case you haven’t heard, we are HUGE football fans and if you didn’t know, the Pro Football Hall of Fame is in Canton.


I think it would be a lot of fun to check out the Hall of Fame and check out some of the history of football and experience the super bowl theater.

As I said before, I want to also visit the St. Louis Zoo and the Arch and I’ve added Millennium Park in Chicago to the list but I need some more destinations. I’m thinking maybe a stop in Metropolis IL to visit the Superman Museum (we have some big Superman fans too) but I’m not sure what else.

This is where I need help.

If we are traveling through Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky where do you think we should stop? What are some fun, family friendly things to check out or some unique must sees?

Please, give me ideas!

Midwest Amusement Parks

Both Zack and Libby have had the pleasure of traveling to Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, Illinois.  They were both able to make this trip with their classmates at the end of 8th grade.

All I have heard since they both went on this trip is,”When can we go back”?

My kids are now officially roller coaster junkies.

Prior to their trip to Six Flags, they had only been on the Zippin Pippin roller coaster here in Green Bay at Bay Beach Amusement Park.

Now that I know my two oldest are amusement park junkies I am hoping to take them on a trip to Ohio in the next year so they can enjoy Cedar Point and a few other amusement parks, even a few that cater to the small kiddos.

I would also love to travel coast to coast, as a family and check out some different amusement parks and playgrounds that I think we would really enjoy together.

I Want To Go Back to New York!

It has been just over 4 years since Libby and I went to New York City for our whirlwind weekend of fun with Crayola. We had such a great time and loved the city so much that I have been itching to go back ever since.

If I were to go back, which I do hope to do in the very near future, I would want to bring our entire family and show them all everything that NYC has to offer. Of course, traveling with 5 kids and 2 adults to the big city won’t be cheap and we would have to stick to a strict budget while we are there but I’m sure there are all kinds of things we can find to do that are free or budget friendly in addition to the things that we MUST see when we are there.

I want the kids to all see the beauty within Central Park, especially Bethesda Terrace and Fountain and Belvedere Castle. I know they would all ooohhh and ahhhh over the lights in Times Square. I want to walk through museums like the New York Historical Society with them and see all of the beautiful art and history within. I want to see a Broadway show like Aladdin, something the entire family would enjoy.

There is so much to do and see and Libby and I only got to see so much while we were there. I want to head to the city and explore. I feel like I need to visit Chinatown, ride the subway, hail a taxi and see and learn everything I can about NYC while I am there.
I want a picture of my entire family on top the Rock, in front of the Empire State Building and I want to be in it this time!

There is just so much to do and see that I think our family would have a great time and love everything about our trip.

Have you ever taken your family to New York?  What are some of the things you did or did not do that you would love to do again?


New York, I hope we meet again….VERY soon!

Gilmore Girls-esque Getaway

Since I first fell in love with Gilmore Girls many, many years ago, I’ve wanted to run away to a quaint little inn or B&B, visit little towns and meet new people.  

Someday, when we have the money, the kids are grown and we have more free time, I hope Alex and I are able to get out of here and explore the country and make this dream of mine become a reality.  

Until that time arrives, I will continue to research and explore and plan our trip in my computer.

So far my goal is to visit Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire.  I want to stay in nothing but B&B’s and Inns and only in small, touristy towns.  Of course, since Fall is my favorite season, this is also the time I want to visit so I can experience fall in a variety of locations and see how it differs from ours.  

I want to shop, send postcards, eat at little diners and restaurants and just explore.  When we travel with kids I always have to have a plan in place, when it will finally be just the two of us, we can do what ever we want without any plans.

I really hope that someday, we can make this trip a reality and expierience it all!