All posts by Anne Younger

Anne is a 30-something full-time SAHM mom of 5 ranging from 3 to 17 and grandma of 1 who resides in Ashwaubenon (Green Bay) Wisconsin. She started blogging in 2008 as a way to regain her sanity. She enjoys coffee, chocolate, cheeseburgers and vodka along with spending time with her husband and kids.

The Lion, The Witch, and the Messy Wardrobe: Guest Post

There’s a reason C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia are such an everlasting hit.  My theory is that the reason is…closets!  In these stories, Narnia is a mystical land that exists inside a wardrobe, which is basically a moveable closet.  And there’s just something about that fantastical idea that rings true, isn’t there?  I mean, who hasn’t gotten lost inside a messy closet?

Entering a disordered closet can feel like an epic misadventure. I’ve gone to look for something I needed in a jumbled closet and felt like I must have been in there for years before emerging, usually frustrated and empty handed.

Sometimes we go into a messy closet and get so bombarded by the barrage of things inside that we forget what we were originally looking for.  Sometimes we end up making a mess outside the closet because there’s so much stuff we need to clear out of there to even begin to find anything or make sense of what’s inside.  Sometimes we might even spend hours on what was only supposed to take a few minutes, enraptured by all the forgotten delights and doodads we come upon when we enter that messy little world.  Other times we feel so daunted by the prospect of all that might lie within a messy closet that we don’t even dare open it!

Just like the children in The Chronicles of Narnia, we may find entering our own disarrayed closet world to be overwhelming and perplexing at first.  However, we can also take a lesson from the brave young characters and take matters into our own hands.  In order to make sense of the chaos within that enchanted closet, the children in these stories take the situation by the reins and commit themselves to slogging through all the challenges they might encounter.  In the end, they develop strength of character and become the noble rulers of the land of Narnia, which had come to peace and order.

With a little guidance from the famed lore of Narnia, the focus and commitment to plow through whatever challenges we might face, and a few closet organizers to top it off, we can find the inspiration and encouragement we need to conquer our own chaotic closet worlds.  You too can become the noble ruler of your closets and run a neat, well-organized kingdom. Trust me, it’ll be worth the adventure.

Shopping and Saving Part Deux

Back in January, the Alex and I gave each other early Valentine’s gifts.  We each received a Nook color to help feed not only our technology addiction but also our addiction to books.

Yes, we both love to read.

Our purchase of 2 Nook colors in one day was made with ease thanks to the Barnes & Noble Coupons we had received in the mail prior to our purchase.

Again, I HATE to pay full price for anything!

Since making our purchase, I have read more books this year than I have in the last 5! Having an e-reader is so convenient not just for reading but also for searching the web as well!

There are also times when there is a book that I just have to have in true book form as well. When these books pop up, I often turn to online retailers like Amazon because I can find them used or I stumble on a great Amazon coupon code to use as well.

For the last few months, I have been purchasing quite a few things from Amazon as well.  I bought 3 sets of dishes (2 that we use and 1 for backup in case something gets broken).  I finally found dishes that I loved and they happened to priced to sell at under $30 a set and then I found matching acrylic glasses along with a coupon for 20% off…this made my purchase even easier!

I admit, Amazon has been quite an addiction.  I am now using it to build a wish list of items I want to purchase for the new house.  Alexander has picked out a plethora of Power Rangers items to use to decorate his half of his new room.

Not only am I looking for items for the house and adding them to my wish list but I have also started building a Christmas list of items the kids want too!  One of my favorite things about shopping on Amazon is that when I add items to my wish list and they go on sale while they are on it, I am notified of the sale when I log in to the site allowing me to make the purchase early if I need too.

What do you do to save when shopping online? 

Twinkle Toes: The Movie {Review}

Twinkle Toes: The Movie brings all the charm and excitement of the Twinkle Toes brand to the screen in a fun-filled, original film that will have girls dancing out of their seats. The sweet and adorable Twinkle Toes character that girls have come to know and love overcomes her most secret fears and learns to celebrate her individuality with energy, pizzazz and super-cute shoes!

Filled with music, friendship, laughter and heart, parents and their daughters will want to watch Twinkle Toes: The Movie again and again. This charming story of courage, self-expression and finding the “sparkle” within will inspire Twinkle Toes’ legions of fashionista friends to develop their own talent and achieve their dreams.

The animated star of SKECHERS’ Twinkle Toes footwear line, Grace “Twinkle Toes” Hastings, is a fashion icon for the under-13 set. Hip, flamboyant and original, Grace embodies a combination of sparkle, sass and style, which has made SKECHERS’ Twinkle Toes footwear a favorite of celebrity kids and fashion divas alike. The SKECHERS Kids collection, including Twinkle Toes, is currently the number one children’s footwear brand in the United States.

Twinkle Toes: The Movie is a sparkly, fun-filled adventure that will make audiences want to get up and dance! Grace “Twinkle Toes” Hastings has a big secret: she gets terrible stage fright in front of anyone except her fluffy friend Walter. As Grace works to overcome her fears, and makes some super-cool friends at her new school, she discovers that it’s OK to be herself and shine!

I sat down over the weekend with Libby, Alexander and Miss Ellie to watch Twinkle Toes and found it to be a quite enjoyable flick. It is a great movie for those aspiring dancers in your life and it even got my kidlets up off the couch and dancing along with the movie, especially this scene when Grace AKA Twinkle Toes gets her new shoes.

After seeing my kids get up and dance along and showing more interest in dance, I would recommend this movie to any parent who encourages their child to dance.  Both the Alex and I enjoy watching dance shows and hope that someday we can take a dance class or two as well.  Until then, I will just keep dancing in the comfort of my home with the kids!

You can find Twinkle Toes:  The Movie in select stores or grab it online.

Also, please feel free to download and print this great Twinkle Toes coloring sheet too!
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Disclaimer: I received a promotional copy of this film in order to facilitate this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. This post does contain an affiliate link.

How I Shop AND Save

Now that our family has grown to 6 people I find myself clipping more coupons, shopping online and doing whatever I can to save a buck! By shopping online, I am able to to find different Coupon Codes and get a certain percentage or amount off or even get free shipping. I will be honest, I do prefer to buy from sites that offer free shipping when order a certain amount or more.

For my friends Down Under!, Deal Direct coupon codes offers some great steals….what I wouldn’t give to be able to use some of these deals in the US! (Until then, I will keep sharing my discoveries).

Another way I save these days is by heading out to our local thrift stores and rummage sales to help curb the costs on items such as clothing, home decor, and sometimes even furniture. I have also participated in online rummage sales through Facebook, bought and sold items on Craigslist.

I have also been looking into setting up a local trade program between families to trade clothing, household goods and anything else that people may want to get rid of or are on the hunt for.  This is something else that you can look into in your neighborhood.

Once we move into our new home, we will be living on a tighter budget.  To help save more money, we have decided to cut our current cable package down to the basics, plan out our weekly menus ahead of time and only purchase the items needed for the meals that week.  We will also be saving money by shopping for more store brand items (which we are discovering taste better in some cases), purchasing items such as meats in bulk and separating into one meal servings and freezing and spending more time at the local farmers market.  In addition to all of these items, we have also made the decision to limit our dining out to special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.

When it comes to finding ways to shop and save, you may need to dig and do some research but there are lots of ways for it to be done!

Just do what I do and REFUSE to pay full price!

Moving Announcements from Paper Culture

You may have heard in previous posts that we are moving to a new home (less than 2 weeks to go). Since we are finally moving into a house that we can call home, I figured this time we would send out official moving announcements AND eventually throw a housewarming party! So, after searching the internet I finally chose the announcement that made me happy, personalized it and clicked order! I will give you a little sneak peek of the announcements I ordered from Paper Culture. Obviously, these are NOT personalized for us and I also went with a different color.

Not only do I LOVE the design of these announcements but I also love what the website says about them being 100% eco friendly and that Paper Culture will plant a tree with every order to make sure that Owen (the owl) and his owl friends will have a home for many years to come!

When the announcements arrived, I was even more pleased with how great they looked in person and I cannot wait to move and send them out to our friends and family. It looks like we will definitely be looking at Paper Culture when I order birthday invitations  and other party invites in the future!

Disclaimer: I received a free product in exchange for my complete and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I wrote this post while participating in a blog tour with Global Influence.