Tag Archives: #VZWSM

Riding in Style

In 8 hours, Zack, Ellie and I will be departing Green Bay and making our way to Chicago for the Verizon Wireless Midwest Savvy Moms kickoff event followed by the Brands & Bloggers Summit on Saturday.

Although we will be leaving in the wee hours of the morning to assure that we will arrive on time, one thing that we do know is that we will be riding in style!

Thanks to GM, we will be traveling in a Quicksilver Metallic 2012 Yukon XL 1/2 Ton – 4 wheel drive SLT!

Yes, that is our mode of transportation for the next week and I can tell you this, I am in love! If I ever win the lottery I can promise you that this will be the car I am driving after!

The Yukon XL is a smooth ride that offers so much comfort for everyone!
Front heat bucket leather seats, air conditioning, adjustable pedals, heated second row seats, dual tv screens, DVD technology, navigation, back up cameras….the list goes on and on and on and on.

I am loving it and cannot wait to hop into it in the morning and make our way to Chicago!

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Disclaimer: GM was kind to lend us a vehicle to travel to Chicago and home, however they do NOT expect or require me to write this post. All thoughts and opinions about the 2012 GMC Yukon are my own and seriously, if I win the lottery, I am soooo buying one!

Chicago….Here I Come!

This coming weekend, I will be in Chicago as part of the Verizon Wireless Midwest Savvy Moms program!  Not only am I going to Chicago to attend an awesome Verizon event, but they are also sending me to the 2012 SocialRevUp Brands & Bloggers Summit!

I am so happy and excited to be given the opportunity to be part of this program and cannot wait to get my hands on some new technology and share it with all of you. I know as a mom of 4, I rely on my techy gadgets to keep track of which kid needs to be where on what days, all of our family appointments, bills and more. Really, if I did have my gadgets, our life would be even more chaotic than it already is!

I am also thrilled that I will be attending the Brands & Bloggers Summit once again.  I attended this conference last year and it was my the first blog conference that I went to and it was awesome!  I learned so much, met some great people and made wonderful contacts.

I am looking forward to seeing some old friends, meeting more new people and introducing Ellie to everyone as well.  On this trip, both Zack and Ellie will be joining me.  I would have loved to bring the entire family along but my little Alexander has his first t-ball tournament over the weekend and I didn’t want him to miss out.  Needless to say, we will be leaving Chicago bright and early Sunday morning to get home in time for his final game and watch him get his participation award.

Since it will be Zack, Ellie and I, we couldn’t take the family minivan to Chicago and leave the Alex and Alexander without a car.  Once I came to this realization, I turned to the good folks at GM and am happy to announce that we will be riding in style in a GMC Yukon XLT!

I can’t wait to share all the excitement when we return from our weekend in Chicago!

If you will be attending the #BBSummit12 please let me know, I would love to meet you!