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Introducing a reusable anti-bottle on the rise today

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A California based company known for creating reusable anti-bottles was started in 2009. This particular recyclable water bottle was designed to be freezable and dishwasher –safe, able to stand when full and folded when empty thus easy to be carried around. This same company also created a refill station in 2011.

Since Vapur.us has been making roll-up water reusable water bottles for a while, they have recently come up with a way to fill up the bottle with water, screw in a filter and ready to drink, based on sources from the March Back Packer Magazine. The recyclable bottle that contains the filter is known to remove bacteria, flows freely allowing instant and easy drinking. The screw-on cap and flip-top that the company has also added makes refills easy and splash-proof drinking. SuperCap, is a brand that features a patented flexible design that is easier to handle than rigid bottles. A company named Drops of Hope was recently created, the main purpose was to make disposable bottles obsolete and have clean water more accessible. These recyclable bottles are fold-able, can stand when full, can be folded and flattened when empty. These bottles can be easily tucked away and can be conveniently fitted in pockets, purses etc. When the question about how to keep them clean arises, the answer to that is the bottle is dishwasher safe and can be easily air dried by being placed upside down on a drying rack or flat surface and of course can be manually washed. The fact that the bottle is freezable makes the availability of an icy-cold beverage enjoyable. The bottle also comes with a carabiner which makes it easy to clip on a belt-loop, back pack or even a purse. All in all Vapur put together with the product under water refill station have become very popular.

In 2011 The Refill Station Program was formed. The program is bringing refill stations across the country, anywhere from university campuses, as well as various travel venues. With billions of bottles of water consumed yearly world wide, majority of disposable bottles end up as waste in land fills and this is where the idea of environmental safety comes in. Dehydration as a health issue is on the rise therefore one of the solutions is to have easy availability to the refill stations. Visit the website to obtain answers to questions and one can check them out here as well, mostly the reusable water bottle that has been in demand.

Set out to make water more sustainable and portable the company’s committed goals were met. The company did also receive various awards. Today, refill stations are in demand and are on the rise. By watching a demonstration of the brand and the resulting advantages of the reusable water product one can check them out or visit the youtube website.

Financial Planning for Having Your First Child

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Deciding to have your first child is an exciting time in your life, however it can also raise a few concerns, particularly when it comes to finances. Raising a child is an experience which will enrich your life, and being in the right financial position will allow you to enjoy your new family even more. Here are a few key points to remember when doing your financial planning before your first child arrives. Money Clipart

Assess Your Financial Position

One of the hardest questions you will have to ask yourself is establishing if you are financially ready to support a child. If you have any outstanding debt, or have trouble meeting loan repayments and bills, you may have to postpone your plans for children until your financial position is stronger. It can be a good idea to seek the advice of a qualified specialist such as Fox Symes debt solutions to work on improving your finances. They can offer budgeting assistance, as well as debt consolidation advice, allowing you to get rid of your outstanding loans and credit cards as fast as possible.

Work on a Budget

When you have consolidated your debt and have worked on strengthening your position, you can start working on a budget. Think about your current income and expenses, and then study how this might change once you have a child. You may need to consider changes to your lifestyle to allow you a greater capacity for savings.

Educational Expenses

It is a well-known fact that education can be one of the largest expenses you will face when you are raising your child. The best plan of attack is to start saving as early as possible. Whether you choose to save into your own account, invest in an Educational Savings Plan or explore the possibility of increased repayments in view of re-drawing on your mortgage, your decision will depend on your individual position and preferences.

Care Considerations

The cost of childcare can seem exorbitant, and many parents are trying to find ways to balance this expense with their own care solutions. Having the children cared for by family members, even just once a week, can make a huge difference to the expense of childcare over a year. You may be able to consider one parent staying home to provide care while the child is young, as even with the loss of wage, it can be both an emotional and financial benefit for the family. Finding jobs that allow you to work from home or coordinate your own business are becoming increasingly popular with stay at home parents. The savings on the cost of childcare can mean that your income doesn’t have to be as high. Being adequately prepared for your child’s arrival will ensure that they get the best possible start in life. You can focus on the enriching experience of raising your child without constantly worrying about the next month’s bills and expenses. Having a strong financial plan is the key to looking after your family, both now and in the future. Written by Emma Jane

How to Save Money for Buying Your First Home

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Saving for your first home can seem like an unconquerable goal, however there are a range of ways to maximise your efforts and get your dream home faster than you might think. No matter what financial situation you’re currently in, here are some top tips on saving money for your first home.

Consolidate Your Debts

A home loan is one of the biggest debts you will ever incur. For this reason, it’s essential that you have complete control over your current level of debt. Before you can start saving money for your first home, you will need to work hard at repaying all of your loans and credit cards in order to build a good credit file and quality savings record.

For many people with several cards and a couple of personal loans, it can be difficult to keep track of exactly what you owe. Speak to the professional consultants at a provider such as Fox Symes to get some more information and assistance on consolidating your debts. This will leave you with one simple monthly repayment and a low rate of interest, allowing you to be debt free and ready to save sooner.

Draw Up a New Budget

Now that your debts are under control, you should sit down and work on a new budget. Create a spread sheet with your income and expenses, and include as much detail as you possibly can. Having columns that divide your money into bills, necessary expenses, travel costs, luxury items and money spent on socialising will give you a clearer idea of where your income is going. From here, you can decide what isn’t essential, and reassign these funds to a specific savings account dedicated to your first home.

Start Your Savings

Once your budget has been sorted, you can start the process of saving for your home. It helps to have your allocated savings transferred automatically from your pay into a high interest account; you’ll be surprised just how fast it starts to add up. Choosing an account which penalises you heavily for any withdrawals will ensure that your savings are staying where they should be!

Ready to Buy

Saving up your deposit is a great achievement, however there’s something else you will need to have before you can start the buying process. When you apply for a loan on your first home, you should have an established ‘safety net’. This is the amount of money you have in the bank in case of emergencies, and it should total 6 months of your monthly fixed expenses. Once you have your deposit and an adequate ‘safety net’ of savings, you’re ready to buy your first home!

For more quality budgeting assistance and information, contact Fox Symes. As one of the biggest providers of debt solutions in Australia, their dedicated and qualified team of professionals can help you to get rid of your existing debt and prepare for the purchase of your first home.

Written by Emma Jane

Baby Basics: Top Essentials Every Parent Should Have

Do you ever get confused by the amount of baby clothes on the market nowadays? With babygros, sleepsuits, body suits and rompers available, knowing the difference between them can help to make an informed decision on what you buy for your child.

As your baby grows, his or her requirements will change, but having a few staple basics will help, no matter what else you happen to buy along the way. It can be quite overwhelming when you see what’s on offer on the rails and shelves, so here are five essentials that new parents shouldn’t be without.

Body Suits

These little beauties are available in sleeveless, short sleeve and long sleeve options and are perfect for underneath clothing on cooler days, or just on their own on lazy days indoors. Most of these body suits are equipped with poppers to make nappy changes easy. Long sleeve body suits are ideal to keep baby’s arms warm, while the sleeveless and short sleeve options add an extra layer and can be worn on their own, under outfits or teamed with a cool pair of jeans or a dress. Remember not to overheat baby though – it’s better to be a little cool than sweltering!


Your baby’s comfort is essential; regardless of time of year, they will sleep – a lot.

Sleepsuits are all in one suits that can have feet sewn into them to ensure warmth during the evening hours. As baby grows, the option of sleepsuits without sewn in feet is available, providing plenty of cool options for onesies.

Sleepsuits are also available that have mitts which can fold over baby’s hands to protect them from scratching themselves during sleep time.

Fleecy sleepsuits, such as the George Dumbo fleece baby suit are super cute, but be vigilant and keep an eye on the room temperature. The chance of needing a fleecy sleepsuit during spring and summer is slim to none, particularly if you have a tendency to add layers as well.


Although it’s very likely that you’ll receive plenty of bibs as gifts, there’s no harm in buying a few as well. You can get some lovely bold and bright packs of 5 bibs nowadays, such as the apple baby bibs and the dino baby bibs for just £3 – a bargain and something a little different to the traditional baby colours.

Alternatively, muslin squares are an absolute must and will be used for everything from wiping up dribbles to clearing away milk possets – an essential buy that’s versatile and reusable.

Shoes, Socks and Hats

No matter what season you’re in, baby needs to be protected from the elements. Hats, socks and soft soled shoes are ideal for adventures in the pram. Use brimmed sun hats during the heat of summer, as well as a parasol that you can add to the pushchair. Adorable cotton hats are ideal for cooler days.


When baby is young, simplicity is key. Sure, you want your baby to look as cute as a button, but you also want nappy changes to be as easy as possible. The main thing is to enjoy every moment of these early days and watch as your baby grows into a wonderful babbling infant.

The Use Of An All Natural Repellent

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Moles are small little hairy blind creatures, that can burrow and tunnel wholes in your lovely garden, or beautiful lawn. These small rodents may be blind, but they can destroy the soil in a garden and your lawn too. The best way to put a stop to these wild little animals, is to use the best small animal repellent, such as Repellex mole repellent. Using this product will help your lovely plants and vegetation flourish, and ward off the annoying presence of a mole. These formulas come in many different application forms, which all work with the very same effects.

The formula solutions were created not to hurt or kill an animal, but to ward it off, so it will never return. It is also made of natural plant materials that are not harmful to humans and animals. Once you apply the repellent, moles will not desire to dig and tunnel into your garden or lawn again. If they would happen to eat any of your plants, you can be sure that they will never desire to eat it again. This is because the repellent was created with hot pepper plants, and other undesirable herbal seasonings. Once they bit into a plant, or plant root, or even come close to the repellent applied area, they will not like the taste of it.

Applying the repellent is so easy to do, you can use the spray, granular or tablets. These are all very useful, but some work faster and last longer, what ever your choice is, they all have the same effects. For more information on how to get rid of moles see more selections here. These repellents are the best solution for a humane way to get rid of animals that destroy a yard or plant garden. Getting rid of these little critters by using these repellent solutions is the best and smartest way to do so.

Customers everywhere are raving about these products, and the fast and easy way they get rid of annoying small animals like moles. These products are so very affordable, and are the top of the line in repellents. By applying these formulas your garden or lawn will be animal free, and they can grow and flourish they way that they should have in the beginning. So for the best possible solution to keeping your lawn and garden healthy and beautiful, and animal free, you should use an all natural repellent.