Tag Archives: pregnancy

Baby Bump Update: Week 31

I can’t believe I’m already 31 weeks into this pregnancy. It is CRAZY!

Last week Thursday, I had my 3 hour Glucose Tolerance Test (since I failed the 1 hour 2 weeks prior).  I went to my OB’s office that morning, and after being there for 25 minutes and the lab not able to successfully draw my fasting level intravenously, I opted to head over to our family doctor’s office and complete the test there as they were setup to draw via finger pokes whereas my OB’s office was not.

I survived the test, barely…..I do not do well with fasting and it’s even worse when I am pregnant.  After 3 hours, at my family doctor’s office, scooped me up and we made our way home so I could finally eat.  I was STARVING!

The next morning, I had an appointment with my OB for an ultrasound to check on Baby Joey’s brain once again and a regular checkup as well.  Joey was extremely active during his ultrasound and was very uncooperative and didn’t let the technician see both ventricles of his brain and the left side was a little larger than normal once again.  

After the ultrasound, we sat down with my OB and discovered that I failed (barely) the 3 hour GTT and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes.  On top of that, it was also decided that we will be seeing Dr. S in Maternal Fetal Medicine for a ultrasound again to get a better look at the little dude and make sure all is well on the inside.  

Yesterday I met with the diabetes counselor at my family doctor’s office and got my meter, and was educated about gestational diabetes and nutrition.  Thankfully my numbers were really bad and my gestational diabetes can be diet controlled.  The sad part is that I have to watch my carb intake, which for me, is NOT an easy task.  I LOVE my carbs!  But, it is what it is and I am doing what I can to make sure the little guy and I are both safe and healthy.

On the 1st, we will be seeing Dr. S for an ultrasound and hopefully Baby Joey decides to cooperate at that time.

Until then, here is a look at the dude growing inside of me.

30 Week Ultrasound



And just in case you are having a hard time seeing him, here is a guide to spotting him!


I will be sure to update again next week after our appointment with Dr. S.  In the meantime, prayers are appreciated!



Baby Bump Update: 29 Weeks

So here I am, 29.5 weeks pregnant and exhausted once again. I hate the 1st and 3rd trimester and all the fatigue that comes with them.

This past Friday I had my glucose screen for gestational diabetes and I failed so now I get to do the three hour screen next week Thursday, yay me. Also, next Friday the 21st we go in for another checkup and ultrasound to check out Joey’s brain once again and see how he is measuring these days.

Joey is by far the most active baby out of all the kids. I swear this little boy never sits still. He has been making it hard for me to work lately because he is constantly bouncing my computer all over the place.  Not only is working hard, sleep is even more difficult. I cannot seem to get comfortable no matter what I do so I’m lucky if I get an hour of uninterupted sleep each night. I find myself constantly rolling, tossing and turning and it really stinks.

I just keep telling myself that we are closer to the end every day!  I am definitely looking forward to this pregnancy being over and having this little guy on the outside!

Baby Bump Update: Week 22/23

On Friday, I met with my OB-Gyn to go over the results from our ultrasound 2 weeks earlier.  Basically, she told me the same thing the nurse practitioner did.  So, as of right now we wait until my appointment on May 10th when we will have a repeat ultrasound to see if things have changed.  We are hoping that the cerebral ventricle hasn’t become bigger and that the little guy shows us the other side of his fabulous brain.  If there is a change or we can’t see things, I will be setting up an appointment with maternal fetal medicine to find out what the next step is.  

Other than that, his heartbeat is very strong and he is extremely active on the inside!

So again, prayers are more than welcomed until we know more about our little man.

Thank you!!

Baby Bump Update: Another Round With Ultrasound

As I mentioned last week, we had our full anatomy scan to check things over with Baby Peanut and see how he is doing. I also shared that they were concernd with his brain and that the cerebral ventrical was enlarged and that we were waiting to hear from the Dr. Well, this morning, I talked to my nurse and my OB asked if I wanted to come in sooner than my next appointment in May and repeat the ultrasound to see if we can get a better look and see if there is any cause for concern. Of course, I told her I definitely wanted to come in sooner and see my little dude and get a better picture. The plan is to repeat my ultrasound next Friday, the 26th, and am hopeful we will be able to get some better pictures and check out his little brain.

Of course, we are praying that everything is okay with our little man and that the last ultrasound was just a fluke. We would appreciate any happy thoughts and prayers you can spare for our little guy that everything is okay!

I will, of course, update after my ultrasound next week and let you know how everything goes.

Thank you!

20 Weeks 3 Days

We had our 20 week checkup today for our little Joey and he seems to be doing pretty good.

The little dude is measuring 20 weeks and 3 days and it about 14 ounces.
He was squirming around and having fun but we were able to confirm that he is indeed a boy.

All in all, everything looked good. We saw the nurse practitioner after the ultrasound since my OB was off delivering A LOT of babies! The nurse practitioner informed us that the only cause for concern was that one of his cerebral ventricles is enlarged and they were not able to get a view of the other one to compare. At this point, she wasn’t concerned but said that my OB would look things over and decide if we should have another ultrasound at the office or if we should see a perinatologist to check things out further.
So, for now we wait to hear from the Dr. and see what she wants to do.
This also means that I need to be a good preggo and stay away from Dr. Google during this time.
We have our next appointment on May 10th so until then or until I hear from the Dr. I leave you with these pics of our little dude.