New Scan & Store Labels from Mabel’s Labels

Mabel’s Labels has created a great new label that combines technology with organization! Can’t remember where you put your summer clothes or those holiday decorations? With the new Scan & Store labels  from Mabel’s Labels, you will never misplace your items again! Here’s how they work: 

1. Apply the label to a bin, tote or other container.  
2. Scan it with the Write Away! app. 
3. Store the title, location, description and a photograph of the container. 

From your phone you can store the names and photographs of an unlimited number of items and assign them to a container, search for containers and items and much more! Organizing has never been so easy. Be sure to try out these new amazing labels today.

I am thinking that these labels would also be great for a move or for our family this summer when we remodel our basement and have to find a place to store everything that is currently down there!

Happy Organizing!

Elegance doesn’t always have to break your bank account.

*This is a guest post*

If you happen to be one of the many people who want to be able to go out into public with a high fashion item that others are more than likely not going to be wearing, you are definitely not alone. The thing to consider when you try to buy an item of this quality is that you have to be able to afford it and be able to wear it well. This means that you take care of the item that you are purchasing so that it will last a long time and continue to radiate the same quality as it did when you first purchased it. The nice thing about designer clothes like the ones that you get at Heist are that you can pick them out at your leisure without any pressure from sales clerks, which makes it all the better.

Store Front

One of the warmest and most comfortable ways to dress if you are in the mood to lounge is usually going to be sweatpants. However, these are not really fashionable. This means that you need to try to get something from a designer like Manrow! These are what you could call high fashion sweatpants and sweatshirts, but that is in no way cheap, except in price. When you can say that you paid for designer clothing for a combined cost of under 200 dollars for a top and bottom, you are going to be happy. These clothing items are very warm and crafted from a polyester/rayon/cotton blend to stay comfortable all the time. There are many colors in both pants and shirts. Pants come in seven different colors while the shirts come in three different colors.

For a less casual wear and a bit more conservative there are the great designs by Nili Lotan. While these are not casual in the sense of the above items, they are still perfect for an outing or a casual meeting with friends. A person wanting a plain T-shirt that is fashionable yet not cheap is going to love the Air Gray T-shirt that is offered for only 69 dollars. This shirt is made with 100% Pima Cotton and comes in medium and large with a low cut design for men or women. A much higher quality and fashionable item from this same selection is the Stitch Cape at 405 dollars. This is a wonderful combination of Alpaca/Merino/Nylon and feels like a dream upon the skin.

20 Weeks 3 Days

We had our 20 week checkup today for our little Joey and he seems to be doing pretty good.

The little dude is measuring 20 weeks and 3 days and it about 14 ounces.
He was squirming around and having fun but we were able to confirm that he is indeed a boy.

All in all, everything looked good. We saw the nurse practitioner after the ultrasound since my OB was off delivering A LOT of babies! The nurse practitioner informed us that the only cause for concern was that one of his cerebral ventricles is enlarged and they were not able to get a view of the other one to compare. At this point, she wasn’t concerned but said that my OB would look things over and decide if we should have another ultrasound at the office or if we should see a perinatologist to check things out further.
So, for now we wait to hear from the Dr. and see what she wants to do.
This also means that I need to be a good preggo and stay away from Dr. Google during this time.
We have our next appointment on May 10th so until then or until I hear from the Dr. I leave you with these pics of our little dude.

How to Improve Your Financial Situation

This is a guest post

The state of the economy in Australia and most of the world right now leaves much to be desired. World economies have been greatly affected by the global economic slowdown. Unemployment is on the rise, as are the costs of living. This is the state of most of the world’s economies since the slow climb back up from the financial downward spiral of a few years back. But one cannot just afford to give up. There are many ways that you can ensure that you and yours do not have to suffer too much due to all these problems.

One thing that one must accept is that the situation is not likely to improve overnight and that the conventionally accepted modes of paid employment are becoming obsolete. When there is a doubt of financial stability, firms are unlikely to retain a potentially less cost effective structure of employment when freelance or contractual based positions are better for the company. This means that a normal 9 to 5 job that you may get to go to everyday is rather hard to come by.  The qualifications and experience that you possess do not matter much if there no position out there at all. Even if you are willing to be flexible on your expected salary package, it does not ensure that you will find a job. 

Passive Income               

The best thing for you to do is to ensure that you possess a steady flow of what is called as a residual or a passive income. This means a source of revenue that you start and it works to continue bringing in additional income with little to no additional work. The ideal method to go about setting up such a constant flow of money is the internet. Online marketing, content writing, blogging, graphic designing, freelance programming, developing apps, website administration are just some of the simple ways that a little basic knowledge of computing and a small amount of initiative and innovative thinking can help you sustain your lifestyle by supplementing your traditional sources of income.


Start a blog contribute religiously, and maintain the relevancy with articles that add value to the topic under discussion. Soon you will have built up a loyal set of followers and people will be lining up to post guest posts on your blog. Now you can start charging them nominal amounts for approving their posts; suppose you ask for $5 a month, for 10 posts from a single guest; imagine the money you will be making month on month, just by maintaining the integrity of your blog. For this, you have to post at least once a day, on the latest news, trends, etc. This is the beauty of internet marketing. But there is a gestation period just like any other business, and you have to be patient.

Just because regular job has become scarce does not mean you can’t make money.  As they say, “When one door closes, a window opens.” Which means opportunity is everywhere.  All you have to do is turn on your computer and with a little creativity your financial problems can be reduced.

This article was brought to you by Low Income Loans Australia, a financial blog which assists readers with creative borrowing options and tips on how to save money.  

FREE Washable Breast Pads {Just Pay S&H}

This post does contain affiliate links.

Mom’s who nurse know how important it is to have some nursing pads on hand to help spare the embarrassment of leaking through layers of clothing.  I am personally a fan of reusable pads as I find them to be more comfortable and reliable.

Right now, you can get Five -4 packs of Washable Breast Pads from Udder Covers – that’s 10 pairs (just pay shipping and handling of $11.95).

To take advantage of this offer, click on the banner below and use PROMO CODE:  ONEFREE.

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